2023. 2. 5. 12:06ㆍ쪽지시험_a.k.a. Pop Quiz
1. 그녀는 책을 쓰고 있지 않다. (동사: write)
답: She is not writing a book. / She isn't writing a book.
2. 나는 tv를 보고 있지 않다. (동사: watch)
답: I am not watching TV. / I'm not watching TV.
3. 존은 앉아 있지 않다. (동사: sit)
답: John is not sitting. / John isn't sitting.
4. 너는 공부를 하고 있지 않다./너는 공부하는게 아니야. (동사: study)
답: You are not studying. / You aren't studying.
5. 그들은 점심을 먹고 있지 않아. (동사: eat)
답: They are not eating lunch. / They aren't eating lunch.
6. 케리는 공연을 즐기고 있지 않다./ 케리는 공연을 즐기는게 아니야. (동사: enjoy)
답: Kerry is not enjoying the show. / Kerry isn't enjoying the show.
7. 우리는 파티를 열고 있지 않아. (동사: have)
답: We are not having a party. / We aren't having a party.
8. 그녀는 요즘 테니스를 치지 않아. (동사: play)
답: She is playing tennis these days. / She isn't playing tennis these days.
9. 그것은 작동되지 않아. (동사: work)
답: It is not working. / It's not working.
10. 그는 자켓을 입고 있지 않아. (동사: wear)
답: He is not wearing a jacket. /. He isn't wearing a jacket.